Chiesa evangelica valdese

Initially it was a multicolour and square building, with four towers to the corners that made it look like an overturned dresser. Now, after the 1900 restoration, it is more graceful, without the towers that decorated the roof at the four sides and with a small pediment with the Waldesian coat of arms: a candlestick with the sentence “Lux lucet in tenebris”.
Inside the bare and austere temple there’s an organ since 1900.
Here on the right you can see the route of IT07 Among Pinerolo’s histories and traditions, this point of interest represents its first stage
Via dei Mille, 1, 10064 Pinerolo TO
In which itineraries is included:
This point of interest is included in IT07 Tra storie e tradizioni pinerolesi
After the 17th February 1948 in Pinerolo, Waldesian people wanted to build a temple. Precisely in 1850 the Waldesian board asked to create a temple to the town administration. The town administration agreed and the Waldesian board entrusted the construction of the temple to the Turin architect Gabetti, who finished the work early and the temple was inaugurated on the 29th June 1860.
In 1925 the temple was restored by another Turin architect, Decker, and the temple changed its appearance inside and outside. Outside, the temple lost its form, without the towers and with a small pediment; inside, the worship hall was moved to the ground floor.
In 1960 the temple was restored once more, the rooms above it became a school hotel for the Waldesian students that studied in Pinerolo.
The Pinerolo Waldesian community turned out only in the XIX century because the presence of Waldesian people was thwarted for some years. For example the Pinerolo statute in 1220 prohibited from hosting Waldesain people.Only the 17th February 1848, when king Carlo Alberto gave the worshiping freedom to Waldesian people, a Waldesian community was legally created.