Museo storico dell’Arma di Cavalleria

The Historical Museum of the Cavalry, suitable for all age groups, has 5,500 square meters of exhibition areas, spread over three floors, with a total of 33 rooms and 240 display cases, making it one of the most important military museums in Europe. The permanent collections include the carriages of the Belle Époque, the Pinerolo Cavalry School and the memorable exploits of Captain Caprilli, a world master of horsemanship, Cavalry uniforms from the last 300 years of history, thousands of toy soldiers with giant scale models reenacting historic battles, period photographs, paintings and trophies.

Here on the right you can see the route of the IT05 Museatour, this point of interest represents its first stage
viale Giovanni Giolitti, 5
Telefono Direzione: (39) 0121-376344
In which itineraries is included:
This point of interest is included in the IT05 Museatour
For a wide public, Pinerolo remains synonymous with the Cavalry, so much so that in recent years an identity was coined: Pinerolo is Cavalry.
The National Historical Museum, which has been housed in the former Principe Amedeo Barracks (later Gen. Dardano Fenulli) since 1968, traces the life of the famous Cavalry School and the Army.