Monumento alla Maschera di Ferro

The monument to the Iron Mask was commissioned by Pro Pinerolo in 1959 to the sculptor Luigi Aghemo, who of course represented the character with the face covered by the mask. The artist had predicted that the work would be larger, but for the monument the cast bronze sketch was used. The epigraphs were written by the local historian Ugo Marino.

here on the right you can see the IT01 track A journey in the heart of Pinerolo, this point of interest is the tenth stage.
Piazzale San Maurizio, 10064 Pinerolo (TO)
In which itineraries is included:
This point of interest is included in IT01 Un viaggio nel cuore di Pinerolo
the Iron Mask was a faceless prisoner who, during the reign of Louis XIV of France, arrived in the Citadel of Pinerolo on 24 August 1669 and remained there until October 1681. It is said that, after various vicissitudes, his death took place in Paris in the cells of the Bastille on 19 November 1703. It is said that he was such an important figure that Louis XIV did not have the courage to have him beheaded, and so serious his guilt to hide his face in an iron mask. A few years after his death there was a real was hunt for this man’s identity. The writers said: “He will be the king’s twin”, said Alexandre Dumas in “The Viscount of Bragelonne”. “A living mystery, shadow, enigma,” Victor Hugo called it. For Voltaire, however, it was “An unknown prisoner, the size above the ordinary, young and the most beautiful and noble figure. He was wearing a mask with steel strips. The jailers had orders to kill him if he took it off.”
every two years, on the first weekend of October, Pinerolo recalls the Iron Mask with a fancy dress, during which a famous character of our time plays the role of the mysterious prisoner.
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